Nichi-Bei News

News and Information from the Japan-America Society of Washington DC

January 02, 2006

Society's "Vision Committee" Looks to the Future

In early 2005 the Board of Trustees established a "Vision Committee" to outline future directions for the Society. The Committee's report, submitted to the Board in October, included 30 recommendations.

Among them:

--That the Society should strengthen its corporate programs in order to attract more American company members

--That the Society should hire a part-time educational coordinator to expand its "Japan in a Suitcase" program in our local schools

--That the Society should survey its members to learn more about their interests, what they think of our programs, and what they would like us to do in the future

-- That the Society should organize more public affairs and cultural affairs programs

-- That the Society should examine its many categories of membership (now 11) and rationalize them, with a clearer description of the benefits that it will provide